Harley rider FAILS the self confidence test

Join me on my Harley Davidson Street Glide Special as I ride to Geelong Bike Night and checkout the fantastic looking motorcycles.

We probe the self confidence of Harley riders at the event and look into the question: Are the pirates more self confident than the power rangers?

This was an awesome event as usual but ended with my inflated ego being punctured in the most savage way.

A lot of folks ran from the camera at Geelong Bike Night, revealing a widespread fear of public speaking—more feared than death.

We’ll explore whether Harley riders have more self-confidence compared to Power Rangers. Does self-confidence affect various aspects of life, for example riding, relationships, and income?

Confidence grows from experience. Riding more miles or handling challenging situations positively impacts self-confidence. It’s about how you frame your experiences, whether positive or negative.

Self-discipline is key to building confidence. It takes discipline to stick to goals and routines, whether it's regular riding, exercise, or learning new skills.

Setting small, manageable goals and celebrating small victories helps build confidence. Avoiding overwhelming tasks and focusing on gradual progress leads to success.

I stress the importance of questioning authoritative figures and making independent inquiries. Building self-confidence involves verifying information and not just accepting it blindly.

Acquiring knowledge in one area can enhance confidence in others. Success in various fields transfers confidence to new challenges.

Life experiences, both positive and negative, play a crucial role in developing self-confidence. Overcoming difficulties and learning from them contributes to overall self-assurance.

At Geelong Bike Night I chat to a variety of different people and hear their personal stories on self-confidence. Some gain it from motorcycle riding, while others share personal struggles and how overcoming them boosts their confidence.

Watch the video above to see some great bikes and their riders as I explore confidence


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