3 Rules That Will Immediately Change Your Life If You Are A Harley Rider

If you don't know these rules your life is going to suffer and your riding won't be at it's best. Simple rules that I wish I knew when I started my journey. Rules that have cost me "big time" over the years and life is so much better now that I fully understand them.

Join me and over 100 other bikers as I ride my Harley Davidson Street Glide Special in the Black Dog ride - organized by the Dodgy Brotherhood SMC from Scotties Garage in Seaford into the heart of East Gippsland.

Rules for Riding and Life ….

If you don’t get these rules, your life and your riding will struggle. These are simple but crucial principles that I wish I had learned earlier in my journey. They’ve cost me dearly over the years, but life has become so much better now that I truly understand them.

Rule 1: Be Conscious of All Your Moves
In life and on the road, awareness is key. When emotions rise, step back and recognize their source—it's usually fear. Addressing this fear helps keep you grounded. When riding, stay alert and analyze every move. Don’t ride on autopilot; understand your mistakes to improve your skills every time you hit the road.

Rule 2: Take Responsibility for Everything
Own your actions and their outcomes. It’s easy to blame others for setbacks, but true growth comes from self-reflection. Whether it’s a relationship issue or a bike malfunction, look at what you could have done differently. This attitude helps you navigate life’s bumps and improves your riding performance.

Rule 3: Ride Aggressively Like You Own the Road
In life, this means pursuing your goals with confidence and determination. On your bike, it’s about riding assertively, not recklessly. When you ride with presence, other drivers notice and give you space. It’s not about intimidation; it’s about riding with authority and clarity.

These rules will make every ride—and every day—better.

Click on the video above where I discuss all the rules …


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