5 Dangers Of Motorcycle Riding & The Harley Riders Exemption

I'm going to cover and discuss 5 common dangers to motorcycle riders and one hidden danger that's worse than all the others but Harley Davidson riders might just be exempt from this.

Today we are going to look at 5 things that are dangerous for all motorcyclists.

BUT there’s one surprising thing that’s even more dangerous than the first five – probably the most dangerous of all. It’s a silent hidden killer but funnily enough a lot of Harley owners or riders will be exempt from it.

I get a lot of negative comments about Harley’s and their riders when I make these video’s. I laugh because you can tell the commenter has no idea.

But even the biggest Harley haters will have to concede that Harley people are going to blow away the other brands on this issue. Harley Davidson owners have the market cornered and its saving lives.

2. Intersections

Number two is intersections. This is where a lot of accidents happen - probably because so much is happening at once.

Cars are coming from opposite and adjacent directions, there’s often oil on the road because the cars are stationary there – we have tram tracks here that are slippery.

I think they are dangerous places because a lot of people just don’t look or perhaps they are not cautious enough going through intersections.

So look for eye contact, watch drivers head movements and keep your eyes open.

Personally, I always slow down a little or at least take the heat out off the throttle and cover the front brake unless I can see very clearly what’s going on.

Keep your eyes open

3. Bad roads

Obstacles on the road or just bad roads are a huge danger. Obstacles can include cars, pot holes, oil or water and even sand or gravel. All of these can be extremely dangerous depending on the situation. Of course skill and experience helps you overcome these things.

For the full list and the hidden killer that Harley owners seem to be able to escape from - check out the video above. 5 Dangers Of Motorcycle Riding & The Harley Riders Exemption.


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