You Will Crash If You Focus On Motorcycle Safety

Sound's crazy but you will crash if you focus on motorcycle safety. Find out why and what to do about it. Join me on my Harley Davidson Street Glide Special as I ride with Karyn who is on her Royal Enfield. We discuss her crash and how to avoid this strange issue.

Today in this video I’m going for a ride on my Harley Davidson Street Glide to scope out a route and some destinations for an upcoming ride that Karyn here is organising. We are going to talk about -- why you will crash if you focus on motorcycle safety.

I’m going to let you in on one of the world’s best kept – but freely available secrets -- that most people just don’t get.

I know you want to arrive safely at your destinations when you ride your motorcycles. Unfortunately for some people it doesn’t happen. Karyn has just recovered and got back on her new bike after an accident – lets see how we can avoid this happening to us.

“They” tell us it’s a dangerous activity – I disagree – I would call it an activity that requires skill.

Now the clue to this video lies in the two sentences I just said.

They describe the same event -- riding a motorcycle but in two different ways.

Dangerous and requiring skill. It’s all about what you focus on – let me explain

Motorcycle Safety Campaigns

I was thinking about some “safe riding” and “motorcycle awareness” Gov advertisements, I saw a while back. I had to laugh because I think they are all wrong

I also noticed that there is a lot of talk on fixing our roads – which is good -- because they are disgusting at the moment with pot holes everywhere.


BUT here’s what’s interesting.

We all know – or should know? That what you focus your mind on -- you end up with. If you haven’t heard or experienced that concept I will explain it shortly.

When you are riding and you want to go around a corner – what do you do? You turn your head and eyes in the direction you want to go. You keep your head and eyes up and scanning for the exit up ahead.

You don’t look down because that makes the corner appear faster and tighter and you certainly don’t look at the barrier at the side of the road. When you want to avoid an obstacle on the road – like a rock or pot hole -- you don’t look at the obstacle. You look for the gap.

Target fixation is the cause of lots of motorcycle accidents. People look at the wrong thing. Look for the solution not the problem. This is the way it works when you are moving – If I can control your head I can also control your movement. Fortunately for you – You, have control of your head -- and can easily learn how to negotiate obstacle and corners.


It’s more difficult to create with your mind.

Focus Your Mind

Human being work like heat seeking missiles. What you focus on – what you hold your attention on you get, eventually.

This works for anything. Focus on a goal and you end up there.

If you want to make more money or find a new job you focus on that – it’s pretty easy but here’s another BUT I know someone out there will be watching thinking what a load of crap.

You are telling me if I focus on a new CVO Street Glide it will magically fall from the sky.

Well No. It doesn’t work that way.

Watch the video to find out exactly how it does work and why the focus on safety is WRONG.


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