Game Changer! How to stay warm on your Harley Davidson motorcycle

I've found the best way to stay warm on your Harley Davidson motorcycle. I had to give up my Thomas the Tank Engine blanket for a better way and it's a game changer.

Join me as I visit Melbourne bike night at it's new -better location in the south east, great people and awesome motorcycles.

Stay warm on your Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Get too cold on your motorcycle and it can be fatal. There are many ways to stay a little warmer, I’ve used them all but what generally happens is - I ride less in winter and the rides I do are usually shorter.

Until now - because this is a game changer and once you understand how this works you are going to easily do long rides in winter and riding all year will be easy.

Well, if you live with the penguins maybe you’ll still want a winter break. So lets get into it, and don’t forget to watch to the end of the video -- for the bonus tip? – it’s a beauty.

So I was riding to Melbourne bike night last week -– what a bonus they moved it 30 mins closer to my house – great night out where you can mingle with like minded people and see some awesome machines. It’s a little sports bikes heavy at the moment, maybe we can change that? Lol make it better by loading it up with Harley’s.

It looks like we have an early winter this year because it got cold all of a sudden very fast. Now the event was not that far but I could I feel the cold starting to seep in.

Not that big a deal on a half an hour ride.

Anyway it was a great event and Karyn who runs the face book group for me – was there.. laughing at us because she was warm and we were cold.

She was was the one who put me onto this and let me tell you it’s a game changer…

not only will it keep you warm – it will keep you alive.

Getting cold is very easy on a motorcycle and the cold is extremely dangerous to the human body. You only need to drop your core temperature by a couple of degrees to experience memory loss, brain fog and impaired physical functioning and even hypothermia.

I can speak from personal experience when it comes to the devastating effect of the cold on your body. It happened to me three times…

Check out the fun video above to find out more


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