Defending The Harley Davidson BRAG About Freedom

Are Harley Davidson Riders actually free? Has Harley Davidson corporate sold a lie that every Harley Davidson owner has fallen for? Let's discuss freedom, rebellion and the Harley Davidson image of the tough guy - as I destroy and cut through the "haters" argument with a fatal blow.

Today I’m going to defend Harley Davidson riders and owners around the world from the “rabble” of outsiders, haters and arm - chair critics. They have attacked us with 4 basic arguments or criticisms which I will dismantle in a matter of minutes.

Now some of you, my fellow Harley riders might be thinking “who cares what other people think”

Well – we care.

Irrespective of what you think about the company Harley Davidson -- and or it’s dealers. The fact is without them you wouldn’t or won’t in the future have that excellent bike you now ride and enjoy.

You would have no avenue to get parts and for most people there would be no maintenance to keep them going. You need Harley Davidson to thrive and therefore it’s our duty, like evangelists to convert, subvert or torture into submission any and all critics.


The Harley haters will say that Harley Davidson has cultivated an image through their obviously very powerful marketing arm and you Harley fanboys have fallen for it hook line and sinker.

So, we really first need to look at the concepts of freedom and rebellion.

What is freedom and who is actually free?

Freedom means you can do what you want – when you want? Maybe? It means you have the power / perhaps we could say the right – to act, speak even think how you want.

Restrictions On Freedom

There are laws – which is often a good thing so you could argue - no one is totally free.

There are taxes for anyone who earns money – and you could argue that’s extortion and no income earner is free. If you are poor, even if you live in paradise on an island you are trapped and restricted in movement and what you can experience in the world by virtue of not having enough money.

Anyone with responsibility to other people -- or responsibility of any financial payments or debts is not free. That includes, anyone paying off their house or credit card. Anyone who has a deadline, employees, children or a spouse is therefore not free.

Wealthy people are captive to their investments and any material possessions that they own as all of this requires upkeep much greater than maintaining your front lawn.

Don’t worry no is safe lol.

Even movie stars are restricted in movement because of their fame. They have privacy and security issues. Many will never be able to separate genuine friends from those looking to make money from them.

Harley Davidson Riders Are Free

So, no one is truly free, but Harley riders are freer than people who drive cars and people who are restricted to lesser forms of transport.

Harley riders are also more free than other motorcyclists because they don’t get hung up – as much – on wearing all the right safety gear and helmets.

They make more noise on their bikes than most other riders -that’s freedom

The most popular bikes in the Harley line up are the touring bikes and touring and long distance riding IS freedom. Even if its only on the weekend.

Harley riders have a huge world-wide network of other riders, groups, events and dealers that welcome you where ever you go – that’s freedom.

The traffic parts for you on a Harley – that’s freedom, I think there’s a story somewhere about Moses doing a similar thing, so we are on a good thing.


Where does the Harley Davidson image of the rebel come from?

Harley Davidson made 88,000 WLA models for the military in world war 2. They were used as messenger vehicles and military police vehicles during the war.

After the war the military sold the surplus off to the public at a discounted rate. A lot of soldiers returning from the war picked them up. Ex service men were struggling to settle back into a “normal” society after the danger and risks associated with war and they formed motorcycle based groups.

I guess the group structure appealed -- as they were used to organised groups already from the military.

After the war during the “cold war” era, the culture in the USA was very conservative with a lot of paranoia directed at anything away from the norm and the threat of communism was heralded by Gov forces to rally and unite the population.

Sounds like they clicked on to the easiest way to control people – create a common enemy.

During this time motorcycles and groups of guys riding them were already outside of what was considered normal. The media helped the rebel image when the infamous Hollister incident happened.

In 1947 in the town of Hollister at an American Motorcycle Association Rally there was a little commotion and drunken behaviour that was reported as rioting and taking over the town.

This is also where the term 1%er that’s associated with Outlaw Biker clubs comes from. Legend says that the American Motorcycle Association claimed that it was only 1% of the motorcyclists who were causing trouble and the other 99% are cool dudes that will bring your granny an apple.

The Hollister event was made famous in the 1950’s Hollywood Marlon Brando movie - the Wild One. Of course Harley’s were ridden by the baddies in the movie.

This is where we get the image of motorcycles and black leather jackets linked to rebels, troublemakers, and law breakers. It’s been continued through the media ever since.

During the 60’s it morphed into a more free spirited image with movies like Easy Rider that portrayed individuality and freedom from the rat race. This association with freedom, law breaking and rebellion has continued all the way – till now.

… the Harley Davidson Corporate machine ran with the freedom associated marketing hype. Which in my view is very clever and works well.

Now here’s the interesting thing.

To someone else that rides, jumping on a motorcycle is not really a big deal.

To the outside world motorcycles are dangerous and those that ride them ARE associated with masculinity, rebellion, being wild and free.

You are doing something outside the normal way of life and this is freedom.

Outsiders think that you ARE all of those things because you ride a motorcycle.

… and as I highlighted recently in my video - 5 reasons you think Harley Davidsons are beautiful - to most outsiders, well they think motorcycles are Harley Davidsons.

So, to answer the first criticism – “you only purchased the marketing image”

Yes and no.

The so called “image” is actually reality for most people and therefore it’s true. If I’m a pencil neck geek riding down the road on my Harley past someone who says, wow there goes a really really really tough and free rebel. Then it’s true I am.

And maybe only three people can call me out on this?

Whatch the video to find out who these three people are and to see the remaining 3 criticisms.


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