7 Ways To Stay ALIVE On Your Harley Davidson Motorcycle

Ride with me as I discuss the 7 ways to stay alive on your Harley Davidson motorcycle. I ride my Street Glide Special and discuss the 7 ways to approach riding that will help you stay alive on a motorcycle.

Ride to live is a great approach to riding and staying safe. I also discuss the apparent danger of motorcycling and two of the more esoteric aspects of how to stay alive and ride safely -- when going hard on your Harley Davidson. Both of these things have served me well for the past 4 decades of riding.

Here are the 7 ways to stay alive on your Harley Davidson motorcycle, number 1 is Anticipation, number 2 is Spidey Senses, yes this is a serious video, number 3 is

Just watch the video …

Do you ride your Harley hard or are you are pussy? Is riding hard for idiots and unsafe?

Or is that the beauty and joy of a Harley? What do you do to stay alive?

Are Harley Davidson’s Dangerous?

Statistics say motorcycling is dangerous. But how dangerous is it really?

If we dive into the statistics and take out all the guys who jump on their mates dirt bike and scream down the street drunk -- or do the same with out a licence claiming they can ride?

If we take out the middle aged guy who has a licence but hasn’t ridden in 30 years and now needs to keep up with his mates on his brand new Ducati or tricked up stage 4 Breakout.

I think you will find - the statistics will show a different picture.

But let’s talk about the things we actually have control over.

Stay Alive On Your Harley Davidson Motorcycle

In this video today we are going discuss 7 ways to stay alive on your Harley Davidson motorcycle. A few of these things are very controversial and you might laugh, or throw something at me – just remember I’m in your TV or phone - and you can’t get to me.

I was about two hours from home the other day at an event. Some friends of mine, a couple, who were on a big Ultra Glide were leaving and they invited me along for the ride back. I realised I’ve never ridden alone with them before and I started to think,

“Errr, what happens if they ride like pussies? It’s a long way back -- with a lot of traffic to get through. This might take the rest of my life and I won’t be able to make any more videos.”

So off we went, very sedately or lets say at a normal pace and after a few sets of lights without splitting the traffic, I was ready to stop at a book store and get something to read for the long ride home.

Ghost Rider

Then as we were putting along my friend leaned over and said “do you mind if we split the traffic and ride a little harder?”

“Ride as hard as you like – I’ll try and keep up?” I said.

Bang - he turned into Ghost rider. I don’t mean Nicholas Cage – the other one. (check out the video for who I mean)

It’s been a long time since I rode so hard -- for so long. One of the best rides I’ve had in years. Often riding with others means you have to adjust your pace.

I often ride hard when I’m riding on my own , but after a while I can get lazy and relax into the traffic because it’s tiring. Well this didn’t happen – it was a mission of war and we were bombing the fuck out of everything.

He was a talented rider, obviously rode hard regularly – you could see by how relaxed his wife was on the back. Let me know what you do in the YouTube comments. How hard do you ride? And what do you do to stay alive?

Check out the video - here are my 7 ways to stay alive on your Harley Davidson motorcycle….


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