Exposed - Only Three Types Of Harley Davidson People. Which one are you?

Today I expose the three types of Harley Davidson people I generally see on rides like this. Which one of these types are you? Join me on the Great Victorian Bakery Ride as I discuss "identity" and how it can help or harm you. Awesome bikes, people, food and music - Harley riders have more fun than... let me know in the YouTube comments.

There are only three types of Harley Davidson people. Lets find out who they are!

Come along for the ride – I’m going on the great Victorian Bakery ride with some friends and we will be talking about the three types of Harley Davidson people. Each one of these three types has both -- pro’s and con’s -- and I think for most people there will be some overlap.

Make sure you watch to the end of the video because I’m going to let you in on a valuable secret that you probably don’t know about your self --  and the “type” you identify with.

The Harley community comes together frequently for events, fun and – whatever else you get up to. It takes all sorts to make these events work. The key is that everyone does their part.

The first type of person appears strong to others. They are doing something that organises – gets people together – creates something -- by harnessing the actions of a group

They have the respect of other people. Other people “follow” them, join in with them or collaborate with their idea’s.

The second type of person is not really put on a pedestal at all. Most people are this “type” and there are huge benefits to being like this BUT people don’t like to be characterised like this. It was interesting to see that I couldn’t get anyone on this ride to say they are this type.

The third type of person, is much harder to define because they can float between categories at will. Many people in the Harley community think they are this type - but are they? Are you?

We all have a little of each of these three types. For the community – any community to flourish and grow -- we all need to chip in and play our roles and support the other types.

What’s really interesting and will help you a great deal in the future is the ability to NOT be trapped in any ONE identity.

If we broaden our view – there’s more than these three “types” and in this video I explain just how many types there are - what you might be and how to successfully navigate around any of the types that you don’t want to be.


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