Harley Davidson Sceptics - 3 reasons to avoid their TRAP it will blind you

It's an amazing experience speaking to the Harley Davidson sceptics. Often it's immediately obvious that they have fallen for a very human trap and can't see clearly. Let's discuss this and figure out how to avoid the same trap that has blinded them. The video includes a radical mod that I was forced to do to my Street Glide Special in order to differentiate it from all the other "black street glides"

In the video I’ll address reasons why skeptics of Harley-Davidson motorcycles often overlook the enjoyment and community aspects appreciated by riders.

Sceptics focus solely on objective specs like horsepower, missing subjective elements like comfort, aesthetics, and emotional connection with Harley bikes.

I’ll argue that Harley-Davidsons are designed with deliberate mechanical rawness to appeal to riders who value feeling over pure specs.

I’ll compare the belief in Harley performance stereotypes to other unseeable phenomena like faith in religion or use of electricity, highlighting subjective experiences.

The video promotes a metaphorical association of Harley ownership with belonging to diverse social clubs, challenging skeptics who criticize uniformity.

It discusses how beliefs can limit experiences and understanding, using examples like misconceptions about Harley reliability based on anecdotal evidence.

I’ll share personal beliefs in life outcomes and relate them to motorcycle riding, emphasizing positive attitudes and avoiding limiting beliefs.

Also, criticizing skeptics for overlooking individuality in group affiliations, arguing everyone identifies with multiple social groups despite claiming individuality.

The video aims to encourage viewers to remain open-minded and avoid being trapped by rigid beliefs that may limit personal and social experiences.

Engage with your community, support the channel, and reflect on the benefits of open-mindedness in enjoying life and motorcycles.

Watch the video above for some Harley Davidson info with a spiritual twist


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