Three ESSENTIAL Qualities To Being A Man. Does Riding A Harley Count?

Three essential qualities to being a man. What is a man? -- and how would you define what it takes to be a man? Does riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle make you a man? Join me to discuss the three key criteria to be a man. Is one of them riding a Harley Davidson?

Today in this video we are going to discuss being a man. How do you define what it means to be a man?

 There are three key things that are essential to being a man so stay tuned till the end of the video and I will tell you what these three things are. In the meantime let me know in the You Tube comments —

What qualities do you think - make a man?

It can be difficult to define what a man is – but we all associate particular qualities with men.

I know I certainly do and I see it as more than just having the right genitals. We often associate being a man with noble virtues like courage and responsibility – and I would say this is true but we can go deeper.

Interestingly the recent events of late 2019 onward, have highlighted this issue for me. Friends I thought were men, turned out to be boys and boys stepped up to be men. Along with this many women have by necessity claimed masculine energy to take up the slack - where it was needed.

S maybe it’s more complex than we realise? It is a fact that it can be a hard life for a man. There’s a lot of responsibility. There’s competition – both real and perceived. Don’t forget the pressure of conformity to groups for survival and pressure to play a set role or perform like a trained monkey in a role that is often not suitable for the individual. 

Men have to face violence. Even though the spotlight is on saving women from domestic violence – overall it’s men that are largely the subject of violence and aggression. Most suicides are committed by men. Most crime is male – and if you look deeper crime is NOT greed or poverty it’s generated by the inequality and injustice. Crime results where there is a “difference” in wealth.

Think about what I’ve just said, – it means men are fighting in their own way for what they perceive they need to survive.

I would argue that the misunderstood -- noble quality of masculinity -- has deliberately been squashed to serve the purpose of power and control.

Male Role Models

Men need a strong role model – a man. Most men in jail had no father, an absent father or a poor role model. Society sets out a standard path for men.

What’s the saying? -- “If you do what everyone else does, you will get what everyone else gets.”

Most people get standard or just plain crap.

Go to school, get a job, raise a family, watch TV, pay your tax, play it safe, follow the rules – without question -- contribute to society but know your place -- don’t make waves -- conform.

There is some merit in this but it’s largely BS designed to suppress masculinity. I know that had I followed a standard path -- my life would have been crap and not nearly as rich in experience as it has been.

It’s also very easy to see -- if you look -- that those in charge do NOT follow this advice. Yes, it can cost you dearly to deviate from the standard path BUT there are rewards that cannot be measured in money.

In fact I say that the essence of being a man means you must make your own path. As man you need goals and aspirations -- irrespective of what they are, big or small doesn't matter.

Masculine energy is doing, action and forward movement. Not stagnation – and clich’ed as it is --- it’s the journey that is the reward. Join me in this video to discuss the three essential qualities to being a man and I answer the question, does riding a Harley count?


Ugly Secrets - Why Everyone buys Harley Davidson Motorcycles