Are Harley Davidson Riders Bad People?...Or Just Bad Riders?

Let's answer the question are Harley Davidson Riders bad people or are they just bad motorcycle riders. What do you think?

Let's discuss good vs bad. Is it 1% clubs, outlaw motorcycle clubs that make people think Harley Davidson riders are bad?

Join me as I ride my Street Glide Special in a charity event, the Ladies Night On A Bike, raising money for the Royal Children's Hospital. What is it about Harley Davidson motorcycles and the people that ride them that creates so much controversy, drama and hate.

Are Harley Davidson Riders Bad People, Bad Riders or a force for good in the world?

I’ve done a lot of bad things in my life – but I’m a good person. What about you?

And are Harley Davidson riders bad people? …or are they just bad motorcycle riders – like the other motorcyclists think they are? They wear black and they make lots of noise – are they are criminals and thugs – bad evil people?

What about all the charity rides that Harley riders contribute to.. does that make them good? We need to define - what good and bad is – so we can answer these questions and more.

A lot of people associate certain things with the concept of being bad. They see people who live a certain way or do certain things that are not the norm -- as bad.

Bad really only means – unfavourable – not up to standard but people confuse it with the word evil.

So all of a sudden to most of society think that - outsiders – those that stray from what’s considered normal in any way - are painted with the same brush.

That’s interesting because JUST riding any road going motorcycle sets you apart from what’s normal.

– it’s seen as dangerous and therefore by default people can’t help but think that you are a certain type of person. Perhaps more adventurous, a risk taker - more of a rebel. Maybe it just relates to freedom – you appear more free spirited and they want that for themselves.

It’s going to be different for everyone as we all see things through our own filter.

When it comes to the motorcycling image of freedom, risk taker and rebellion from the standard 9 – 5 grind -

Harley Davidson riders are on the cutting edge of this – the extreme masculine side -- and you could say the 1% er’s clubs are right at the pointy end.

Anyone who has ridden Harley’s for a period knows that it’s has a positive effect on members of the opposite sex. The image that the Harley brand portrays is very attractive to many people.

So of course people want a part of it. In particular men. Men aren’t designed to sit in cubicles or be stuck at home without risk and adventure. But not everyone is willing, has the time, finances, skill or courage to ride motorcycles. So some people just buy stickers or T Shirts – even bikes that are garage queens.

Where Does The Bad Boy Harley Davidson Image Come From?

If you look at why people think a certain way – you will see there is not much originality in the world – people are mostly unconscious and whatever the media tells you -- filters in. Not in one session but over time.

When was the last time a Harley rider was depicted in a movie as the good guy or anything other than, bad, rebellious or criminal.

It’s pretty rare to see a motorcycle charity run on the news – yet if someone wearing a black leather jacket gets into a fight then all of sudden it means the Hell’s Angels have descended on the city. Help call Batman now.

Look at the way a Harley Davidson was used in the movie Terminator 2 from the late eighties early nineties.

Then of course we have the Outlaw Motorcycle clubs. Some people say that they give Harley Riders a bad name.

Watch the video as I discuss this in detail and let’s delve deeply into the topic and answer the question, are Harley Davidson riders bad people?


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