Community Secret No One Talks About At Harley Davidson Motorcycle Show

Join me as I ride my Street Glide Special to a Harley Davidson motorcycle show and discuss this community secret that no one seems to talk about. There is a clear issue in the community let's solve it. Some sensational motorcycles and lot's of fun at the "Blessing Of The Bikes" on Phillip Island the home of the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix. Warning: Includes divisive topics, unsavoury characters, physical violence, bleeped out rude words and politically incorrect fun.

If we can come together in harmony as a motorcycle community sharing a common interest and bridging the imaginary gap between people then we can do the same in other area’s of life.

On a world scale our motorcycle community is small. There are groups (other than ours) that have a broader – and ideological outlook, they play on a world scale and they work to longer time frames than we do because there idea’s are locked into organisations that have spanned centuries.

Just like we… get together over our common interest in motorcycles …

Just like we learn similar principles  – how to corner, how to brake, the best way to wear your pirate gear or your power ranger gear.

Our support in the Motorcycle community goes toward better roads, safety education, charity causes and community events that bring people together.

They too have common interests, education and ideology. They support and push ideas that benefit them - and take from us.

We don’t notice the creeping forward of energy costs and restriction, food modification, medical influence, political interference, work place evolution, climate data manipulation and media control. Rather than media control perhaps I should say propaganda that makes you believe in a cause and makes you think that cause is FOR humanity NOT against.

One quick look at the world, your country, you state or your city will quickly show you that they are about fear, division and keeping you amused and distracted so that you don’t notice what’s really going on.

Media stories are repeated all over the western world sometime verbatim which hints at one – or just a few initial sources. The current fear story is weather and energy related - The current division is male vs female. Masculinity is under attack but that’s for another video so make sure you have subscribed and hit the bell when you do that.

Let me know in the You Tube comments what you think about that issue?

At the end of the day we need to focus on unity – coming together as people with the common interest of being human. Do no harm and live and let live.

Our differences can be overcome by tolerance and not giving in to fear when we see something different to what we see in the mirror everyday.

In this video you’ll meet Tex the friendliest biker in the west – east – south – north and anytime I bump into him at an event he reminds me  “we are all here as people bought together with a common interest and that common interest of motorcycles brings people together”

Fine words indeed.

So think about our other common interest -- being human and think carefully on --

How to unite, how to help and how to include others.


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