Harley Davidsons compared to...

Join me as I ride my Street Glide Special - I check out some great bikes and share some interesting information about comparing situations and people. Lets talk about why we do this, when it's not good for you and what you can do about it.

I recently went to a bike show and saw so many impressive Harley-Davidsons. It got me thinking about how we compare bikes and what that really means.

Comparing Harley-Davidsons can actually be beneficial. It pushes us to improve, drives innovation, and supports businesses in the Harley community.

I’ve found myself comparing my current bike to the latest models at the dealership. While this can be tempting, it often just leads to financial strain.

Competition and comparisons in the bike world help us strive for excellence and celebrate individuality. They’re crucial for progress and creativity.

However, when we start comparing people or situations, it often leads to distorted judgments because we view things through emotional lenses.

Our emotions can cloud our judgment, making us see things in a way that isn’t always accurate or fair.

I’ve been guilty of thinking that buying a new bike or some shiny object would make my life better. But it’s only a temporary fix and doesn’t solve deeper issues.

When I look back at past situations or relationships, I tend to remember only the good parts and forget the struggles. This makes the past seem better than it actually was.

I’ve noticed people comparing their current partners to idealized versions of past partners. This can create problems and dissatisfaction in current relationships.

Instead of constantly comparing and longing for what’s not here, it’s better to appreciate and be content with what we have right now.

Watch the video above and recognize where it is beneficial to compare in your life and where it isn’t.


I took his brand new Harley Road Glide CVO ST


Harley Davidson 4 Hole Oil Change.