This Gang Will FORCE You Off Your Harley

You need to protect yourself now. There is a gang that wants to force you off your Harley.

If you want to continue to ride your Harley Davidson motorcycle - any motorcycle, then this video us for you. Let's discuss this important issue before it's too late.

This video includes the Resurgence Gear competition winner from last week.

Let’s figure out who we need to protect ourselves from. Recently I’ve seen a few people on the internet say or show -- they are removing the Harley Davidson badge from their motorcycle. All because of the woke push that’s going on and Harley Davidson’s involvement with this.

I don’t think it’s the right thing to do - I’m not doing that to my Street Glide – it’s a motorcycle and I love it. I understand that people are frustrated and pissed off... BUT

It’s not the motorcycles’ fault and by attempting to get back at Harley Davidson you are only hurting local people – salesmen, mechanics and small business owners. – It’s not their fault.

BUT there’s plenty you can do if you understand what’s going on. If you believe in freedom. If you want to keep riding your Harley or any other motorcycle with a petrol engine. If you want to be free to ride whenever you like – when YOU choose to ride your Harley.

Then this video is for you


If I want to control my Harley I have a throttle and brakes. I can counter steer and lean the bike through a corner. It’s pretty easy isn’t it?

If I want to control a group of Harley’s I can put them on a race track – we all know that Harley’s are like superbikes and would totally cluster bomb a track. 

On the racetrack – and I can wave flags to start and finish a race - I can have pit crews send instructions to riders and I can have rules that penalise riders if they break them. That would give them incentives to do as I say – follow the rules.

I can’t get all the Harley’s and their riders in the world -- to cooperate and come to my track but if I had the resources, I could offer prizes to race winners, waive fees and make the petrol and parts prices -- close to nothing.

I could also do the opposite and discourage them by raising petrol prices and taking away prizes. In fact, I bet if I fined them just for turning up not many would come to the track at all.

I could exert control if I had the clout.

Control, where I have I seen something similar?

Energy prices skyrocketing, parts delays, gas pipelines, food processing plant fires.

Mysterious diseases, individuals buying up farm land, ownership of major public companies by three entities, social media censorship – who knows it’s gotta be a conspiracy theory – it couldn’t be true.

Let’s move on before my tin foil fries my brain.

Electric Motorcycles

One of the interesting things about electric vehicles is that you control them via software and a user interface. Something that you may not have thought of yet -- is that someone else can control your vehicle if they have access to the software.

The push in the world is for electric everything. Harley released an electric motorcycle. They were very early to the party. Old news but think about it.

Who would be the last customers in the world to want electric vehicles?

That’s us - Harley Davidson owners – who love the sound of their V twin - air cooled engines.

Why would Harley do this.  

I want to bring to your attention two seemingly unrelated things which are interesting and will also have a future bearing on your ability to ride your motorcycle.

Please watch the video for the rest - find out why Harley Davidson has made this move.


Why This Harley Rider Does Not Fear Death - Harley Davidson Inspiration


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