Why This Harley Rider Does Not Fear Death - Harley Davidson Inspiration

Let's discuss why this Harley rider does not fear death and cover 7 inspirational motorcycle / biker sayings that will lift your spirit and help get you out and about on your Harley Davidson motorcycle. The last of these sayings is very controversial - many people will dismiss this life saving inspirational message

This Harley Rider Does Not Fear Death.

This Harley Rider does not fear death. No matter what you believe – when you ride a motorcycle the topic of death is close to you every-day. It’s a dangerous activity and you need to be seriously sharp – all the time.

In my eyes -- death is nothing to fear when you understand it and when you have been close to it.

Fear goes when you expose it to the light. When you expose the mystery of the unknown. The grim reaper stays away from you when you focus on living.

But there is living and there is existing. Some people are happy to JUST exist. I would rather have the reaper at my door and live a full life than just exist.

Living a full life often means being closer to the edge and there are plenty of ways to do that – I’ve tried many but riding a Harley is one of the most enjoyable ways to do that – one of the most enjoyable ways to feel alive and go beyond JUST existing.

Harley Davidson Freedom

A motorcycle gives you a sense of freedom, it pushes you fully into your physical senses and gives you total control of the moment. It's more than riding it’s something special.

I get this from my Harley more so than any other brand I've owned. What about you? comment below. Men were born to be wild.

Today we are going to discuss some Harley Davidson inspiration that will light your fire and make you unattractive to the Reaper. We all need positive input – positive messages to keep the candle lit

7 Inspirational Biker Sayings.

We will discuss each one and I’d love it if you let me know in the comments what your opinion on each one is.

1. You don't stop riding when you get old. You get old when you stop riding.

Don’t get old! This is all about three things. Health, fitness and attitude.

Health and fitness are closely interwoven. A lot of people give up riding their Harley when they feel it’s too big and heavy for them. They are tired and they give up. Often this is the result of health. Age for many people means losing strength and this tied is also closely tied to health.

If you don’t exercise that valuable muscle mass that supports your body and allows for freedom of movement disappears – bit by bit year after year. Your muscle mass is your metabolism so as it disappears and you stay a similar shape then rest assured that precious muscle is being replaced by fat.

Then there is protein. You need about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight to retain muscle. Even more important as you age because you become less efficient at metabolising it. Even more might be needed if you exercise hard – it’s the protein that allows for recovery and building of muscle.

Don’t listen to vegetarians and remember veganism is a political movement. I won’t say much except See my last video where I hold a Nerf gun.


That just leaves attitude. I see attitude as leaning in a particular direction. In other words being positive about something. Look around at different people of similar age. I can see plenty of people my age – that’s over 30 if you wondering? Who look like old mean, dress like old men and act like old men. Then there are others with the correct attitude towards age – which can be summarised as age is just a number and they look and act young. They are mobile and still punch like freight trainbs. That’s attitude – who do you want to be – it’s NEVER too late.

People give up riding when they lose their health and or strength and endurance, can't lift the bike, can't wheel the bike FEEL they are too weak for the bike, - too tired to get go and play!

2. Four wheels moves the body but two wheels moves the soul.

There’s something special about being outside and vulnerable under the spell of the great outdoors. It doesn’t matter if the landscape is city or country. Being outside and having control of a powerful machine that can kill you has a magical feel to it that is heaven to your soul.

It’s different to a car because you are outside of the cage in the elements. Connecting with your machine, becoming one with it and experiencing something truly wonderful - how it feels to be alive.

This is food for your soul in an existence than can be stifling and harsh for many of us. We have chosen freedom on two wheels and there are many other sayings that are in line with this one…

Four wheels will get you there ---  but two wheels make it an enjoyable journey

On a bike no one ever asks are we there yet

So… Enjoy the journey and smell the roses -- because we truly do have something special in the Harley Davidson brotherhood.

There are 5 more Harley Davidson related biker sayings in the video - enjoy it.


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